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Goxo da bizitzea Xibero gainean.
Mendi horien artian trankilitatean. Hargatik aitortzen dut, mugaz bestaldian.
Badirela xoko hunak itsas bazterrian.
Kantatzerat banua hek pentsamentian.

Ondarrabia 1)'ta Donostia, ere bain Bilbao
Euskal Herrian, ederraz zidie hain paregabeko.
ene bihotza hartu duzie osorik betiko.
ziek egin batzarri ederra ez dit ahantziko!

Xokota batetan da fierik Ondarrabi
Urez inguraturik, irriz Hendaiari
Bere gaztelu guduetan nola kolpaturik
Santa Maria eliza untarzunez fundi.


Monte Igeldotik zit, agur Donostia!
Denen artian zira arrosa lilia
Kontxaren ungurian bipil da herria
Bere mila kolorekin espantagarria
Ta errotik Euskaldun da hanko jentia.



Titre : Fontarrabie

It’s nice to live in the mountains
the mountains of Xubero in tranquillity.
ut I’ll also admit that on the southern side of the Basque country
near the ocean there are some nice places also.

Ondarrabia, Donostia and Bilbao,
you are so beautiful,
you have taken my heart.
The welcome I got there will never be forgotten.

Sitting in a corner, Ondarabia sits proudly
by the water while smiling at its neighbor Hendaya.
Its old Santa Maria church is full of richness.

I saluted Donostia from Monte Igeldo.
With thousands of colors it is magnificent.
Compared to all of the flowers it is a rose
and its people are Basque to their roots.


<html> <object width=“222” height=“55”><param name=“movie”value=“http://files.deezer.com/swf/singlePlayer.swf?idSong=6512558&autoplay=0”/><embed width=“222” height=“55”src=“http://files.deezer.com/swf/singlePlayer.swf?idSong=6512558&autoplay=0“type=“application/x-shockwave-flash”></embed></object> </html>

<html> <iframe src=“https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify:track:1zs66h1J6aXaMPfAfZqqBv” width=“250” height=“80” frameborder=“0” allowtransparency=“true”></iframe> </html>


Paroles : Etxahun Iruri

Traductions : http://www.ysursa.com/Songbook/group_10.htm

Hondarribia en basque, Fontarrabie en français
kantuak/ondarrabia.1607934124.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2020/12/14 09:22 de

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